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Customers Report

  1. Customer Report - the view will allow you to see a list of all Customers of all your Sellers.

  2. Apply filters - Seller and/or Customer name, status and/or country.

  3. Select Report View between Basic View, Vendor Information or Platform user view. 


 The following information about Customers can be seen/viewed in Basic View:

  1. Customer

  2. Country

  3. Registration Number

  4. VAT Number

  5. MPN ID

  6. Status

  7. Date Created (Utc)

  8. End-customer primary contact

  9. End-customer primary contact email

  10. End-customer primary contact phone

  11. Internal Customer ID

The following information about Customers can be seen/viewed in Vendor Information view :

  1. Customer

  2. Vendor

  3. Vendor Domain

  4. Industry Types

  5. Customer Agreement Signed (!Note this field retrieves information about Microsoft agreements only. You will see "True" for customers who have signed the agreement with Microsoft, "False" for those who have not, and "Unavailable" if it is about other vendors but Microsoft.)

  6. Customer Agreement Signed Email

  7. Date Signed

  8. Agreement Status Checked

  9. Internal Customer ID

Use the filter section to adjust the report by Customer name, Status, Country, Vendor, Vendor domain, Vendor Industry and Customer Agreement signage status.

The following information about Customers can be seen/viewed in Platform User view:

  1. Customer

  2. User Name

  3. Email

  4. Roles

  5. Account status

  6. Date Created

  7. Date Last Active

  8. Internal Customer ID

Use the filter section to adjust the report by Customer name, Customer status, country, User role and User status.

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