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How to create a customer - NEW


You can create customers in your Copaco Cloud Portal to purchase licenses. This article will describe how you can create a customers.


  • An account on your Copaco Cloud Portal.

Getting started

  1. Login to your Copaco Cloud Portal.

  2. Click SELECT ORGANIZATION in the top right of your screen. afbeelding-20240311-084717.png

  3. Click Create new.


  4. Fill in the required fields.
    - Short name: A short name of the company. E.g. Copaco
    - Full name: The full name of the company. E.g. Copaco Netherlands B.V.
    - ERP ID: The customer ID in your bookkeeping software. E.g. 123
    - Registration number: Chamber of Commerce number. E.g. 17048595
    - Tax ID: Tax ID from your customer (btw nummer). E.g. NL006486253B01
    - Currency: The currency that will be used in the platform. E.g. Euro
    - Industry: Choose what status the customer has. E.g. Non-profit
    Primary Address:
    - Country: This is the country where the customer is located. E.g. Netherlands
    - City: This is the city where the customer is located. E.g. Eindhoven
    - State/Province (optional): This is the state or province where the customer is located. E.g. Noord Brabant
    - Address: This is the address from the customer. E.g. Hoevenweg 21
    - Secondary address (optional): This could be the 2nd address from the customer.
    - Zip/Postal code: This is the postal code from the customer. E.g. 5652AW
    Primary contact information:
    Note: The primary contact person is used as contact person for Copaco Cloud.
    - First name: This is the first name of the main contact person from the customer. E.g. Jan
    - Last name: This is the last name of the main contact person from the customer. E.g. Janssen
    - Role: This is the role that the main contact person has. E.g. CEO
    - Email address: This is the email address from the main contact person. E.g.
    - Phone number: This is the phone number from the main contact person. E.g. +31(0)123456789


  5. Click Create.

Now the customer is created, the customer account has to be activated:

  1. Navigate to your customers by clicking SELECT ORGANIZATION and click Profile next to the customer.
    You can see the status of a customer by checking the ‘STATUS’ column.


  2. Click Approve.

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