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How to remove a specific product within a category


Customer segments can be used to categorize your customers. Each customer segment can have a different catalog. This article will describe how you can remove a product within a category


  • Access to the Copaco Cloud Platform

Getting started


  2. Open the Customer Segment you wish to edit by clicking on the name in the list.

  3. Click Edit catalog.

  4. Select the category and click on the 3 dots next to a product you wish to remove and click Edit Tags.

  5. Hover your mouse over the category and click the red x button.
    Please note that if a product has multiple categories, the customer may still see the offer in the other one. In case you want to completely remove a product to buy, remove the product from all categories.

  6. Click Save in the bottom of your screen.

  7. The product now has been removed.

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