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How to request a Microsoft Azure transfer to Copaco Cloud


This article describes how you can request a transfer of an existing Azure subscription located with another partner to Copaco Cloud.


  • An active Azure plan subscription.

Getting Started

  1. Provide us with the following information by mail or ticket:

    • Name of customer: This is for the Microsoft notification

    • Customer email: This is for the Microsoft notification

    • Current partner name: This has to be the highest tier partner that is not Microsoft, for indirect resellers this would be the name of their Indirect provider.

    • Current Partner Microsoft ID: This is also called the tenant ID and looks like “28aff6e0-5bf5-44c6-8244-6465eca11f62”

    • Name of customer on the Copaco platform: The name of the customer on

  2. Support will confirm the request has been created and is now waiting to be accepted.

  3. The customer should now inform the current partner that they can accept the request.

  4. Our support will import the subscription to the platform and add our roles. How to manually correct CSP RBAC roles in Azure after transfer.

  5. Support will close the ticket and the transfer is finalized.

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