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Copaco Cloud Invoice Explanation


This article explains the layout and all other aspects about the Copaco Cloud invoice.


Important notes:

  • Your Copaco Cloud invoice will contain a Partner ID number that corresponds to the Copaco account number/client number.

  • The invoice number format is changing. This will be the same as the number range of the regular Copaco invoices. As such, the Copaco Cloud invoice number will no longer be TN... (for Copaco Netherlands) and TB... (for Copaco Belgium).

  • The total amount will now appear at the top of the first page of the invoice. It is then specified by customer. The annex to your invoice will list the details per subscription for each customer.

  • The invoice annex will no longer list a separate discount column. The discount and margin are visible when placing an order and in the subscription report.

  • The invoice annex groups the services for each customer by vendor/brand. For example, all Veeam lines are listed together. The invoice is sorted by vendor, subscription ID, period, and charge type.

  • For multiple services, the price per component used to be broken down in the invoice annex. This is now a single total amount. The invoice annex does list the usage for each component (for example: 40 GB RAM, 20 vCores, 9000 GB Storage as part of a Copaco VMware Cloud subscription).

  • The invoice annex lists usage services under the Usage fee heading.

  • Change orders are summarised on a single line in your invoice annex to improve clarity. These can be viewed under Aggregation of your change orders. Details of all change orders can be viewed in the cloud platform itself.

  • The cycle fee is listed in your invoice annex under Recurring fee.

  • In the first month, the purchase and changes to a subscription are listed under 1st term fee in your invoice annex. This means the changes are listed as a one-time item, not as a correction line.

  • Purchase costs are listed under One-time fee in your invoice annex.

Invoice layout explanation:

  1. Details from Copaco

  2. Details from Reseller

  3. Partner ID – Typically your SAP number

  4. Invoice Number

  5. Date the invoice was sent

  6. Date the invoice will expire

  7. Payment agreement

  8. Total amount before VAT

  9. Total VAT

  10. Total amount including VAT

  11. Customer name

  12. Total amount before VAT

  13. Total VAT


  1. Line number on invoice

  2. Quantity

  3. Amount per 1

  4. Total amount

  5. VAT %

  6. Customer Name

  7. Subscription name

  8. Subscription ID

  9. Duration

  10. Details about subscription

  11. Total amount for customer

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