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The subscriptiondetails endpoint allows you to get additional data about a specified subscription. It provides details about the underlying “service plan”, “plan period“ “resources”, “resource rate” and when available “resource rate period” information. This information can be used to understand how an invoice line item was generated and gives the ability to apply your own billing logic on top of what our cloud platform provides.

The returned result by the subscriptiondetails endpoint has the following structure.

Example JSON response for a subscription with Resource Rate pricing (default setup).

  "Subscription": {
    "SubscriptionId": ......,
    "StartDate": "......",
    "ExpirationDate": "......",
    "Period": ......,
    "PeriodType": "......",
    "BillingPeriod": ......,
    "BillingPeriodType": "......"
  "ServicePlan": {
    "PlanId": ......,
    "PlanName": [
        "Value": "......",
        "Name": "......"
        "Value": "......",
        "Name": "......"
    "PlanCategoryId": ......,
    "PlanCategoryName": "......"
  "ServicePlanPeriod": {
    "PlanPeriodId": ......,
    "PlanPeriodSetupSKUName": "......",
    "PlanPeriodSubscriptionSKUName": "......",
    "PlanPeriodRenewalSKUName": "......",
    "PlanPeriodTransferSKUName": "......",
    "PlanPeriodCancellationSKUName": "......"
  "Resources": [
      "ResourceRate": {
        "PlanRateId": ......,
        "PlanRateSetupSKUName": "......",
        "PlanRateRecurringSKUName": "......",
        "PlanRateOveruseSKUName": "......",
        "PlanRateCancellationSKUName": "......"
      "ResourceId": ......,
      "ResourceName": [
          "Value": "......",
          "Name": "......"
          "Value": "......",
          "Name": "......"
      "IncludedValue": ......,
      "Amount": ......,
      "Manufacturer": "......",
      "ManufacturerName": "......",
      "MPNumber": "......",
      "MeasureUnit": [
          "Value": "......",
          "Name": "......"
          "Value": "......",
          "Name": "......"
      "ResourceRate": {
        "PlanRateId": ......,
        "PlanRateSetupSKUName": "......",
        "PlanRateRecurringSKUName": "......",
        "PlanRateOveruseSKUName": "......",
        "PlanRateCancellationSKUName": "......"
      "ResourceId": ......,
      "ResourceName": [
          "Value": "......",
          "Name": "......"
          "Value": "......",
          "Name": "......"
      "IncludedValue": ......,
      "Amount": ......,
      "Manufacturer": "......",
      "ManufacturerName": "......",
      "MPNumber": "......",
      "MeasureUnit": [
          "Value": "......",
          "Name": "......"
          "Value": "......",
          "Name": "......"

Subscriptiondetails structure


The element containing information about the subscription requested.

The Subscription element has the following attributes:




The identifying number of the subscription, like 1116713


The Subscription start date, like 14-dec-2021


The end date of the current subscription period, like 14-apr-2022


The number of subscription periods, like 1


The duration of the subscription period, like DAY(S), MONTH(S) or YEAR(S)


The number of billing periods, like 1


The duration of the billing period, like DAY(S), MONTH(S) or YEAR(S)


Element with information about the service plan on which the specified subscription is based on. A service plan defines the complete product and pricing to which you are subscribed to.

The ServicePlan element has the following attributes:




Internal Identifier of the Serviceplan. This ID is unique for each reseller, like 405289


This header element contains a list of names given to the service plan in different languages.


Identifier of the language, like en, nl or fr


The given name that is specific to the language, like Microsoft 365 Business Premium


Internal identifier for the product category to which the service plan belongs. This value is unique for each reseller, like 11546


Given name to the product category, like Microsoft Cloud | Office 365


Element with information about the period on which the specified subscription is based. A service plan period defines the price and SKU number for included (bundled) resources, as well as the subscription period. Based on the Plan configuration, it is possible that no licenses are included. In this case price and SKUs are empty/not used or the product is defined as a bundle product by the vendor.

The ServicePlanPeriod element has the following attributes:




Internal Identifier of the Service Plan Period. This ID is unique for each reseller, like 694081


The name of the SKU that a reseller has assigned to the plan period Setup SKU. Setup fees are used for “one-time billing“ items on subscription creation. This value is empty by default.


The name of the SKU that a reseller has assigned to the plan period Recurring SKU. Recurring fees are used for monthly/yearly billing and will be rebilled on every subscription renewal. This value is empty by default.


The name of the SKU that a reseller has assigned to the plan period Renewal SKU. Renewal fees are used only for Domain registration subscriptions. This fee is charged on your domain renewal. This value is empty by default.


The name of the SKU that a reseller has assigned to the plan period Transfer SKU. Transfer fees are used only for Domain registration subscriptions. This fee is charged if you transfer in a domain to the Cloud Platform, and is a one-time fee. This value is empty by default.


The name of the SKU that a reseller has assigned to the plan period Cancelation SKU. Cancelation fees are used for one-time billing for a cancelation of a subscription in case this applies to the product. This value is empty by default.


Header element containing information about one or more resources that are active in your subscription.

The Resources element has the following attributes:




Internal Identifier of the resource in the platform. This value is global and the same for all accounts, like 101244


This header element contains a list of names given to the resource in different languages.


Identifier of the language, like en, nl or fr


The given name that is specific to the language, like Microsoft 365 Business Premium


The amount of this resource that is included in the base service plan period price/SKU, like 1


The amount of this resource that is additionally purchased in your subscription. For the additional resources, the ResourceRate or ResourceRatePeriod price/SKU is used, like 40


Contains the vendor identifier number that provides this resource.


Contains the vendor name that provides this resource.


Contains the resource external ID that is used by the vendor.


This header element contains a list of names given to the Unit of Measure in different languages for this resource.


Identifier of the language, like en, nl or fr


The given name that is specific to the language, like License or Unit


Header element containing information about Pricing/SKUs of a specific resource that is active in your subscription. The ResourceRate element contains information that is valid for all subscription periods. In case this resource contains more specific ResourceRatePeriod pricing/SKU this element will not be returned by the API because it is overwritten.

The ResourceRate element has the following attributes:




Internal Identifier of the resourcerate in the platform. This ID is unique for each reseller, like 1672277


The name of the SKU that a reseller has assigned to the resource rate Setup SKU. Setup fees are used for “one-time billing“ items on resource orders. This value is empty by default.


The name of the SKU that a reseller has assigned to the resource rate Recurring SKU. Recurring fees are used for monthly/yearly billing and will be rebilled on every subscription renewal. This value is empty by default.


The name of the SKU that a reseller has assigned to the resource rate Overusage SKU. Overusage fees are used for billing resource fees that are used more than what was pre-ordered. This can happen in the case of a pay-as-you-go product configuration. This value is empty by default.


The name of the SKU that a reseller has assigned to the resource rate Cancelation SKU. Cancelation fees are used for one-time billing for a cancelation of a subscription in case this applies to the product. This value is empty by default.


Header element containing information about Pricing/SKUs of a specific resource that is active in your subscription. The ResourceRatePeriod element contains the information that is valid for one specific subscription period. This element is only returned as a replacement for the ResourceRate element in case the product has more than one period with different prices per period.

The ResourceRatePeriod element has the following attributes:




Internal Identifier of the resource rate period in the platform. This ID is unique for each reseller, like 16722456


The name of the SKU that a reseller has assigned to the resource rate period Setup SKU. Setup fees are used for “one-time billing“ items on resource orders. This value is empty by default.


The name of the SKU that a reseller has assigned to the resource rate period Recurring SKU. Recurring fees are used for monthly/yearly billing and will be rebilled on every subscription renewal. This value is empty by default.


The name of the SKU that a reseller has assigned to the resource rate period Overusage SKU. Over usage fees are used for billing of resource fees that are used more than what was pre-ordered. This can happen in the case of a pay-as-you-go product configuration. This value is empty by default.


The name of the SKU that a reseller has assigned to the resource rate period Cancelation SKU. Cancelation fees are used for one-time billing for a cancelation of a subscription in case this applies to the product. This value is empty by default.

Products with different prices per subscription period

In the case of products with specific Resource Rate Period pricing (where product prices differ based on the chosen Subscription Period), the following ResourceRate section is omitted. This will happen for products like Microsoft NCE licenses. This omitted section is then replaced with a more specific ResourceRatePeriod details section.

Example of the missing section that will not be returned if Resource Rate Period prices are configured.

"ResourceRate": {
        "PlanRateId": ......,
        "PlanRateSetupSKUName": "......",
        "PlanRateRecurringSKUName": "......",
        "PlanRateOveruseSKUName": "......",
        "PlanRateCancellationSKUName": "......"

Example response for a subscription with Resource Rate Period pricing.

"ResourceRatePeriod": {
        "RatePeriodId": ......,
        "PlanRatePeriodSetupSKUName": "......",
        "PlanRatePeriodRecurringSKUName": "......",
        "PlanRatePeriodOveruseSKUName": "......",
        "PlanRatePeriodCancellationSKUName": "......"

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